Paper Sharing

【Epitaxy Papers】Carrier transport and electronic defects in gallium oxide studied by photoconductivity techniques


      Researchers from the University of Strathclyde have published a dissertation titled "Carrier transport and electronic defects in gallium oxide studied by photoconductivity techniques" in Journal of Physics: Conference Series.


      Two complementary localised density of states spectroscopies, Modulated Photo-Conductivity (MPC) and the Constant Photocurrent Method (CPM) are applied to Ga2O3 thin films and are shown to be sensitive to carrier traps above and below the Fermi level, respectively. These techniques measure the film directly, without requiring a Schottky or p-n junction, which may offer advantages over conventional techniques in the study of high-resistivity or semi-insulating materials. The benefits of a higher-resolution MPC analysis are demonstrated.


