【World Express】TAIYO NIPPON SANSO Set up MOCVD Device at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology to Study Gallium Oxide (Ga₂O₃) and Put into Operation
TAIYO NIPPON SANSO has set up a MOCVD device for research and development in the research laboratory of Professor Yoshinao Kumagai of Tokyo Agricultural and Industrial University, who is the corporation of the National University. The model of the device is FR2000-OX MOCVD , and its processing capacity is 2 inches for each piece. The MOCVD furnace for oxides growth has the characteristics of high purity and high-speed growth, which can meet the requirements for thick film and polycrystalline mixed crystal growth on β-Ga2O3 substrate, and can be used to do researches on high-performance electronic devices.
appearance of FR2000-OX device
FR2000-OX reaction furnace (heating)
β-Gallium oxide( β- Ga2O3), as the semiconductor material of the next generation energy-saving equipment (power device) instead of silicon, has attracted full attention. In October 2020, TAIYO NIPPON SANSO and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology began to jointly study the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technology to grow β- Ga2O3 thin film, and in March 2021, it successfully achieved the β-Ga2O3 chemical vapor deposition of organometallic compounds of Ga2O3, which proved to be difficult to realize till now.
In the future, the corresponding oxide MOCVD system developed by TAIYO NIPPON SANSO (FLOW CHANNEL department: patented) will be used to manufacture complex device structures, which is expected to further activate the momentum of research and development of this material.
Through the joint research with Tokyo University of Technology, TAIYO NIPPON SANSO will further promote energy conservation, contribute to the realization of a carbon neutral society, and further improve the advantages of independent research and development of MOCVD devices.