【Member News】First Set in China! Academician Hao Yue Led the Publishing and Distribution of the Science and Technology Monograph "Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Frontier Series"
Recently, Academician Hao Yue of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology led the overall planning of the first series of scientific and technological monographs in the research field of wide band gap semiconductors in China, "The Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Frontier Series", which was published and issued by XD Press.
Over the past three years, under the active planning by Academician Hao Yue and relying on the advantageous discipline status of microelectronics, the series has invited nearly 40 young and middle-aged microelectronics experts and formed a strong editorial board, including Academician Zheng Youxuan, Academician Liu Ming, Academician Jiang Fengyi and more than ten universities, including Peking University, Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China, Sun Yat-sen University, Xidianan University, Shandong University, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Semiconductor of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology of Chinese Academy of Sciences . After being actively declared by XD Press, it was successfully selected into the National Publishing Fund Program in 2021.
Aiming at the world's scientific and technological frontier and industrial hot spot, the series reflects the core scientific and technological innovation in China's wide band gap semiconductor research field. With the purpose of serving the country's major strategic and disciplinary development needs, it is committed to sorting out the basic frontier and core scientific and technological issues of wide band gap semiconductors. It introduces the frontier theories, the core technology and the latest research progress. It is scientific, innovative and forward-looking. Under the circumstance where the market demand is growing, the series filled the market gap for the publication of series of science and technology books in the wide band gap semiconductor field.
It is reported that the series consists of 12 monographs, including GaN Based Semiconductor Heterostructures and Two-Dimensional Electron Gases, Quasi Van Der Waals Epitaxy and Application of Nitride Semiconductors, Growth and Application of GaN Single Crystal Materials, Growth and Application of Aluminum Nitride Single Crystal Materials, THz Devices of Nitride Semiconductors, Ga2O3 Semiconductors, Wide Band Gap Semiconductor UV Photoelectronic Detectors, Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nuclear Radiation Detectors, Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Gallium Oxide --- Structure, Preparation and Performance, Frontier technology of Diamond Semiconductor Devices, Optical Characterization of Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Microstructures and Photoelectronic Devices, GaN Microwave Power Devices, and other works. In addition, in order to vividly reflect the original appearance of color illustrations, this series of books adopts the way of black and white illustrations plus two-dimensional code color pictures to demonstrate the quality of pictures and texts of the whole series to readers.