【Specialist Intro】Chou TaShun —— the Member of Technical Expert Committee
Personal Profile
He is currently working as an independent researcher in the Gallium Oxide Growth Laboratory at the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Research, Germany. Dr. Chou TaShun received his PhD in chemistry from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. His research interests include Gallium Oxide film process development, crystal growth theory, application of machine learning to semiconductor material growth, and real-time growth monitoring algorithm development. He has published nearly 30 papers in prestigious journals such as ACS Nano, Applied Physics Letter, Applied Surface Science and APL Materials, as well as several international conference papers and international patents. Received the Young Scientist of the Year Award from the German Association for Crystal Growth, and served as a reviewer for journals such as Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letter and Journal of Crystal Growth.
Results Presentation
1、Micron-level thickness (100) surface phase Gallium Oxide film
※Chou, T.-S. et al. Fast homoepitaxial growth of (100) β-Ga2O3 thin films via MOVPE process. AIP Adv. 11, 115323 (2021).
※Chou, T.-S. et al. High-mobility 4 µm MOVPE-grown (100) beta -Ga2O3 thin film by parasitic particles suppression. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 62, SF1004 (2023).
※Chou, T.-S. et al. Suppression of particle formation by gas-phase pre-reactions in (100) MOVPE- grown beta -Ga2O3 films for vertical device application. Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 052102 (2023).
※Chou, T.-S. et al. Exploring Miscut Angle Influence on (100) beta -Ga2O3 Homoepitaxial Films Growth: Comparing MOVPE Growth with MBE Approaches. J. Appl. Phys. 134, 195301 (2023).
2、Study on surface topography instability of Gallium Oxide films
※Chou, T.-S. et al. Influencing the morphological stability of MOVPE-grown beta -Ga2O3 films by O2/Ga ratio. Appl. Surf. Sci.660, 159966 (2024).
3、Prediction of Gallium Oxide film growth by machine learning
※Chou, T.-S. et al. Machine learning supported analysis of MOVPE grown beta -Ga2O3 thin films on sapphire. J. Cryst. Growth 592, 126737 (2022).
4、Real-time monitoring algorithm for Gallium Oxide film growth
※Chou, T.-S. et al. Homoepitaxial growth rate measurement and surface morphology monitoring of MOVPE-grown Si-doped (100) β-Ga2O3 thin films using in-situ reflectance spectroscopy. J. Cryst. Growth 603, 127003 (2023).
※Chou, T.-S. et al. In-situ spectral reflectance investigation of hetero-epitaxially grown beta -Ga2O3 thin films on c-plane Al2O3 via MOVPE process. Appl. Surf. Sci. 652, 159370 (2024).
Expert's message
Gallium Oxide has obvious properties and price advantages over other wide band semiconductors. High-quality and affordable Gallium Oxide films are the key to deciding whether to enter the market earlier, which requires concerted efforts in the field to make the market see the bright prospects of Gallium Oxide as an emerging semiconductor. The next decade is expected to be a golden decade for Gallium Oxide.