【Domestic Papers】Peking University --- Scintillation Properties of β-Ga₂O₃ Under the Excitation of Ultra-High-Charge Electron Bunches
Researchers from the Peking University have published a dissertation titled "Scintillation Properties of β-Ga2O3 Under the Excitation of Ultra-High-Charge Electron Bunches" in Photonics.
The performance of ultrafast scintillators under ultrahigh dose rate is highly important for applications utilizing brilliant radiation sources. In this work, the scintillation properties of β-Ga2O3, a high-performance ultrafast wide-bandgap semiconductor scintillator, are systematically investigated under dose rates of 107 to 109 Gy/s for the first time by employing ultrashort high-charge electron bunches (bunch charge from 500 fC to 50 pC) generated from a superconducting radio-frequency accelerator. Our results show that in spite of the ultrahigh dose rate, the scintillation intensity was still linearly proportional to the electron bunch charge. Lifetime analysis reveals a fast decay component ranging from 3 to 4 ns, along with an average lifetime of 20 ns. These findings establish a solid foundation for the application of β-Ga2O3 as the scintillation material for high-charge electron sources such as laser-wakefield accelerated electrons.

Figure 1. (a) The instrumental setup for in situ time and spectral measurements of β-Ga2O3 in DC-SRF-II gun beamline at Peking University. (b) The temporal profiles of the electron beam for scintillation time/spectral performance characterization of β-Ga2O3. (c) Simulated total energy deposition rate of 2 MeV pulsed electron beam with 50 pC charge.

Figure 2. (a) Optical absorption spectra of β-Ga2O3. The inset shows the Tauc plot of the bulk crystal. (b) Scintillation time response of β-Ga2O3 excited by 257 nm pulsed laser. (c) The PL spectra measured by 240 nm Xe lamp. The dashed lines represent the Gaussian fitting results, with the red line corresponding to 3.1 eV and the green line corresponding to 3.4 eV. (d) Illustration of the emission paths leading to the observed peaks for PL.