
Asian Gallium Oxide Alliance Charter

Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1 The name of this alliance is Asian Gallium Oxide Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance).

Article 2 The Alliance is located in Tianjin, People's Republic of China (PRC).

Article 3 The Alliance aims at promoting the development of the gallium oxide business in Asia by developing its gallium oxide technology and improving gallium oxide researchers' overall technical capability.

Article 4 The Alliance consists of the alliance council, the technical committee, the secretariat and all members who support the objectives of the alliance.

Article 5 To carry out its work effectively, the Alliance sets the following objectives:

(1) To promote gallium oxide industrialization by integrating the resources in the gallium oxide industry.

(2) To establish a professional exchange and sharing platform for information resources in the gallium oxide industry.

(3) To organize online and offline exchange activities and conferences in the gallium oxide industry.

(4) To establish a proper talent exchange and training mechanism.

(5) To lay down an industrial standard for the gallium oxide industry.

(6) To carry out other activities to achieve the purpose of the alliance.

Chapter 2 Membership

Article 6 The Alliance has the following types of membership:

(1) Chairman members      (2) Council members 

(3) Corporate members      (4) Research institution and university members

Article 7 The chairman members are Tianjin Wonder-Sino International Trade Co., Ltd. and Novel Crystal Technology, who act as joint president, with the term of office being three years.

Article 8 Council members may make suggestions on the operation of the Alliance and the organization of academic conferences.

Article 9 Corporate members are private enterprises and university affiliated companies.

Article 10 Research institution and university members are state-run research institutions and universities.

Article 11 Members shall have priority in the matters of the Alliance.

Article 12 An application must be submitted to the secretariat to apply to be a member of the Alliance.

Article 13 A member may quit the Alliance by submitting a withdrawal application to the secretariat.

Article 14 The withdrawal is applicable to the members who fail to pay their membership dues within the prescribed time limit and the director members who fail to attend the council meeting for two consecutive times for no reason.

Article 15 Removal of membership is applicable to the members who cause damage to the reputation of the Alliance.

Chapter 3 Positions and Duties

Article 16 The Alliance sets the the following positions:

(1) Chairman:                                                               1 from China and 1 from other countries

(2) Vice chairman:                                                        no more than 3

(3) Director (except chairman and vice chairman):     no more than 20

(4) Supervisor:                                                               2

Article 17 Composition, Duties and Rules of Procedure of the Council

(1) Composition of the Council

The council members are elected from the members on the basis of openness, fairness and impartiality. The council is composed of the representatives designated by the co-chairman unit, the vice-chairman unit and the council members. Two joint presidents and several vice chairmen and directors shall be appointed, with the term of office being three years.

(2) Duties of the Council

2.1 To maintain the stability of the Alliance, and to formulate and modify the alliance charter;

2.2 To approve and revoke the membership of the Alliance;

2.3 To elect, appoint and remove from office the joint president, vice chairman and secretary general of the secretariat of the Alliance;

2.4 To review or approve the work reports of the Technical Committee and the Secretariat;

2.5 To decide the objectives and key tasks of technological development of the Alliance according to the suggestions of the Technical Committee, and to handle such major issues as fund raising, fund use, achievement transformation and income distribution;

2.6 To formulate, review, approve and modify the internal regulations of the Alliance;

2.7 To decide on the change and termination of the alliance organizations;

2.8 To decide on the establishment and removal of the Secretariat;

2.9 To review the financial report of the Alliance;

2.10 To decide on and modify the rate for membership;

2.11 To discuss and decide on other major issues.

(3) Rules of procedure of the Council

The council makes decisions through meetings. The council meeting is held regularly every year, and an interim meeting can be convened upon the proposal of a quarter of the directors. The council meeting shall be convened and presided over by the chairman or the vice-chairman entrusted by the chairman, and the voting system of one person one vote shall be implemented. The meeting shall be effective only when attended by more than 2/3 representatives of the council members. A resolution formed at the council meeting shall be valid only with the consent of more than 2/3 of the members present at the council meeting.

Chapter 4 Technical Committee

Article 18 Establishment of Technical Committee

(1) The Technical Committee is established to ensure that the Alliance works well and makes correct technical judgment. The term of office of the committee member is three years.

(2) The members of the Technical Committee shall be elected by the council.

Article 19 Functions

(1) To judge and evaluate the internal technology of the Alliance.

(2) To provide technical guidance and discussion for new projects.

(3) To select and finalize conference papers and speeches as consultants.

(4) To collect papers and news materials in the industry.

Chapter 5 Secretariat

Article 20 Establishment of the Secretariat

(1) The secretariat is established to ensure that the Alliance works well.

(2) The secretariat is staffed with full-time officials.

(3) The provisions on the secretariat and its officials shall be decided by the chairman after the resolution of the council meeting.

(4) The officials are under the direction of the council and are appointed and removed by the council.

Article 21 The implementation of the affairs of the Alliance shall be decided by the chairman except for the rules stipulated by the Alliance.

Article 22 Functions

(1) To take charge of the comprehensive management of the Alliance.

(2) To implement the resolutions of the council.

(3) To coordinate the relationship between members.

(4) To inform members of the details of the meetings and societies of the Alliance and other related affairs.

(5) To take charge of asset management and accounting control.

Chapter 6 Assets and Accounting

Article 23 The business year of the Alliance is from January 1st to December 31st of each year.

Article 24 The assets of the Alliance include the following:

(1) The property donated at the time of establishment

(2) Membership fee

(3) Sponsorship

(4) Sponsorship of the host society

(5) Other incomes

Article 25 Assets and Accounting

(1) The assets of the Alliance shall be managed by the secretariat, and the administrative rules shall be decided by the council.

(2) Relevant accounting regulations shall be decided by the chairman after the resolution of the council meeting.

Article 26 The secretariat shall prepare the following written report after the end of the business year.

(1) The annual work report

(2) The financial statements

Chapter 7 Termination

Article 27 When the Alliance dissolves after it completes its purpose or dissolves on its own or dissolves for the reason of separation or merger, the secretariat shall propose a termination motion. The motion to terminate the Alliance must be passed by council unanimously.

Article 28 Before the termination of the Alliance, it is necessary to set up a special liquidation group under the guidance of relevant state and local authorities and institutions, which shall clean up the creditor’s rights and debts and deal with problems arising from the termination. No activities other than liquidation shall be carried out during the period of liquidation.


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