Paper Sharing
【Domestic Papers】 China University of Geosciences —— High-performance Ga₂O₃-based solar-blind UV photodetectors developed with low fabricating and operating temperature
[ 2025-03-11 ] -
【International Papers】Binary phase-only gallium oxide diffractive optical element for beam shaping
[ 2025-03-11 ] -
【Others Papers】UUnveiling p-type doping strategies in β-Ga₂O₃: insights from machine learning and first-principles calculations
[ 2025-03-10 ] -
【Others Papers】Enhanced photocatalytic properties of Ge-doped Ga₂O₃ nanostructures synthesized via hydrothermal method
[ 2025-03-10 ] -
【Others Papers】Enhancing the electronic and optical properties of β-Ga₂O₃: effects of B-, N-, and B-N doping
[ 2025-03-10 ] -
【Member Papers】Hong Kong University Science and Technology (Guangzhou) --- Exploration of p-type conductivity in β-Ga₂O₃ through Se-Mg hyper co-doped: An ion implantation approach
[ 2025-03-10 ] -
【Member Papers】Southern University --- Science and Technology of Optimization of CuOx/Ga₂O₃ Heterojunction Diodes for High-Voltage Power Electronics
[ 2025-03-10 ] -
【International Papers】 Monolithic on-chip integration of micro-thin film thermocouples on multifinger gallium oxide MOSFETs
[ 2025-03-10 ] -
【Device Papers】Oxygen sensitivity of Ga₂O₃ nanosheet field-effect transistor
[ 2025-03-10 ] -
【Device Papers】Effect of Deposition Temperature on the Characteristics of Ga₂O₃ Films Grown on Flexible Mica and the Performance of Corresponding Photodetectors
[ 2025-03-10 ]