Paper Sharing
【Domestic Papers】Researchers Led by Prof. Xutang Tao from the Shandong University——2-inch diameter (010) principal-face β-Ga₂O₃ single crystals grown by EFG method
[ 2025-03-04 ] -
【International Papers】Optimization of fin-slanted angles for enhanced electrical performance in lateral β-Ga₂O₃ MOSFETs
[ 2025-03-04 ] -
【Domestic Papers】National Yunlin University of Science and Technology —— Bandgap-Tunable Aluminum Gallium Oxide Deep-UV Photodetector Prepared by RF Sputter and Thermal Interdiffusion Alloying Method
[ 2025-03-04 ] -
【International Papers】Modification of optical and photoelectrical properties of thin gallium oxide films by intense pulsed 200 keV C⁺ ion beams
[ 2025-03-04 ] -
【Substrate Papers】Multiphysical field full-process simulation of gallium oxide with EFG approach
[ 2025-03-04 ] -
【Substrate Papers】Effect of annealed temperature on photoluminescence properties of Ga₂O₃:Tb³⁺ materials
[ 2025-03-04 ] -
【Substrate Papers】Dopant Segregation at the Solid–Liquid Interface in the Single Crystal Growth of β-Ga₂O₃ by an Edge-Defined Film-Fed Growth Method
[ 2025-03-04 ] -
【International Papers】Researchers from the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung of The electric field influence on Ec-0.18 eV electron trap level in (100)-oriented β-Ga₂O₃ crystals grown by the Czochralski method
[ 2025-03-03 ] -
【International Papers】Pre-Melting-Assisted Impurity Control of β-Ga₂O₃ Single Crystals in Edge-Defined Film-Fed Growth
[ 2025-03-03 ] -
【Domestic Papers】 Beijing University of Technology —— Growth modes of β-Ga₂O₃ on h-BN: Remote epitaxy and van der Waals epitaxy
[ 2025-03-03 ]