Paper Sharing
【Conference Papers】Crystal Defects and Lattice Constants of High-Quality β-Ga₂O₃ Edge-Defined Film-Fed Grown Single Crystals Studied by Synchrotron X-ray Topography and High-Resolution X-Ray Diffractions
[ 2023-05-19 ] -
【Conference Papers】Microstructural Characterization of β-Ga₂O₃ Crystals by Photoluminescence Mapping Measurements
[ 2023-05-19 ] -
【Conference Papers】Influences of orientation and remote O₂ plasma exposure on the interface properties of SiO₂/β-Ga₂O₃ MOS capacitors
[ 2023-05-19 ] -
【Conference Papers】Extended defects in MOVPE homoepitaxial β-Ga₂O₃ films and effects on Luminescence
[ 2023-05-19 ] -
【International Papers】Impact of process anneals on high-k/β-Ga₂O₃ interfaces and capacitance
[ 2023-05-15 ] -
【Conference Papers】Large breakdown field of Li-doped NiO and demonstration of high-voltage NiO/Ga₂O₃ diodes
[ 2023-05-12 ] -
【Conference Papers】Subthreshold AC Conductance of Lateral Ga₂O₃ Transistors: Mobility and carrier density in the subthreshold region
[ 2023-05-12 ] -
【Conference Papers】Impact of growth techniques and post-growth annealing on electronic and phononic properties of κ-Ga₂O₃
[ 2023-05-12 ] -
【Conference Papers】Anisotropy of thermal conductivity, sound velocities, and optical phonon modes in β-Ga₂O₃
[ 2023-05-12 ] -
【Conference Papers】Electronic Raman scattering in β-Ga₂O₃
[ 2023-05-12 ]