Paper Sharing
【Domestic Papers】β-Ga₂O₃ Thin Films via an Inorganic Sol–Gel Spin Coating: Preparation and Characterization
[ 2025-03-17 ] -
【International Papers】All-implanted lateral β-Ga₂O₃ MOSFET devices realized on semi-insulating (-201) β-Ga₂O₃ substrates
[ 2025-03-17 ] -
【Device Papers】Correlation between Experimental and Modeled Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics of Ga₂O₃ Schottky Barrier Diode in Temperature Range of 300 to 673K
[ 2025-03-17 ] -
【Device Papers】ε-Ga₂O₃ solar-blind photodetector: pyroelectric effect and flame sensing application
[ 2025-03-17 ] -
【Device Papers】Optimization of β-Ga₂O₃ Device Performance through Rare Earth Doping: Analysis of Stability, Electronic Structure, and Optical Properties
[ 2025-03-17 ] -
【Device Papers】Fast-response, self-powered staggered-gap p-CuGaO₂/β-Ga₂O₃ heterojunction for large-area diagnostic X-ray imaging applications
[ 2025-03-17 ] -
【Member Papers】Xidian University —— 3 kV fully vertical β-Ga₂O₃ junction termination extension Schottky barrier diode with sputtered p-GaN
[ 2025-03-13 ] -
【Member Papers】 Westlake University —— Single-Crystalline β-Ga₂O₃ Homoepitaxy on a Near Van der Waals Surface of (100) Substrate
[ 2025-03-13 ] -
【Domestic Papers】 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications —— Two-photon absorption induced photocurrent of a β-Ga₂O₃ film photodetector
[ 2025-03-13 ] -
【International Papers】High-temperature annealing induced electrical compensation in UID and Sn doped β-Ga₂O₃ bulk samples: The role of VGa–Sn complexes
[ 2025-03-13 ]